
Vehicle detailing

Vehicle Detailing is keeping your new or old vehicle in its best possible cosmetic condition. This is achieved by removing both visible and invisible contaminants from the vehicle's interior, and polishing the exterior to its original blemish-free finish. This is done through full surface decontamination, paintwork correction by polishing, paintwork protection through Ceramic coatings and Paint Protection Film and interior revitalisation.

Car wash and Maintenance

If your car needs a thorough going through or just a maintenance wash, washing methods are important. The Archive uses only the best products and safest methods to keep your car meticulously maintained. Our car wash is by appointment during the week with Saturdays being first come first serve.

Paint correction

Paint correction is done through various stages of cutting and polishing paintwork. This is done to remove scratches and blemishes from paintwork before the paintwork is polishing and refined for a glossy shine. This is the first step in the process and the results are usually locked in with a ceramic coating, paint protection film, or a combination of both.


Ceramic coating is applied once the paintwork is blemish free. This is stronger protection for your cars paintwork and adds a true sacrificial layer that adds long-term durable resistance to the elements. The ceramic coating is also highly Hydrophobic which makes cleaning and maintenance far easier in the long run.

Leather reconditioning & treatment

A treatment that keeps your leather hide soft and supple, and prevent cracks or rotting. All our leather treatments leaves a natural none artificial looking shine.

Wrapping / Decals / Stickers

Vinyl wrapping provides a high quality non-permanent finish that can safely be removed or changed without affecting the vehicles paintwork.

Stek film

STEK is a Hydrophobic and self healing paint protection film. STEK produce protective films with an innovative outer protective layer that protects against discoloration, scratches and splashes.

Rim repair

We can fix almost any damage done to a wheel. This includes curb damage, scuffs, scratches, gouges and scrapes.

Vehicle detailing

Vehicle Detailing is keeping your new or old vehicle in its best possible cosmetic condition. This is achieved by removing both visible and invisible contaminants from the vehicle's interior, and polishing the exterior to its original blemish-free finish. This is done through full surface decontamination, paintwork correction by polishing, paintwork protection through Ceramic coatings and Paint Protection Film and interior revitalisation.

Car wash and maintenance

If your car needs a thorough going through or just a maintenance wash, washing methods are important. The Archive uses only the best products and safest methods to keep your car meticulously maintained. Our car wash is by appointment during the week with Saturdays being first come first serve.

Paint correction

Paint correction is done through various stages of cutting and polishing paintwork. This is done to remove scratches and blemishes from paintwork before the paintwork is polishing and refined for a glossy shine. This is the first step in the process and the results are usually locked in with a ceramic coating, paint protection film, or a combination of both.


Paint Protection film is a Hydrophobic and self healing plastic film which is placed over the whole car, or parts of the car to protect against stone damage and scratches. It is the ultimate form of protection for paint work and the modern films used by The Archive are the best products on the market, guaranteed to not discolour or be noticeable.

Leather reconditioning & treatment

A treatment that keeps your leather hide soft and supple, and prevent cracks or rotting. All our leather treatments leaves a natural none artificial looking shine.

Wrapping / Decals / Stickers

Vinyl wrapping provides a high quality non-permanent finish that can safely be removed or changed without affecting the vehicles paintwork.

Stek film

STEK is a Hydrophobic and self healing paint protection film. STEK produce protective films with an innovative outer protective layer that protects against discoloration, scratches and splashes.

Rim repair

We can fix almost any damage done to a wheel. This includes curb damage, scuffs, scratches, gouges and scrapes.

Vehicle Detailing

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Vehicle Detailing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pulvinar augue ornare mi ultrices, vitae ultricies ante eleifend. Quisque at ante eu turpis dignissim porttitor. Ut aliquam quis lacus convallis gravida. Mauris ultrices sapien sit amet scelerisque hendrerit. Duis viverra semper velit, sit amet congue leo interdum at. Cras sit amet massa et urna ultricies elementum. Suspendisse in aliquam tellus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed quis tincidunt libero. Proin sed augue finibus, viverra arcu nec, consectetur ligula. Donec placerat accumsan nisl id aliquam. Sed sodales, metus sed pulvinar volutpat, odio enim bibendum arcu, vel volutpat magna diam a quam. Phasellus nec laoreet eros.

Donec volutpat auctor auctor. Pellentesque interdum luctus turpis, vel tincidunt ante pulvinar vel. Duis quis nulla eleifend, rhoncus augue iaculis, vestibulum sapien. Ut vel nisi aliquam, luctus ex maximus, auctor justo. Mauris scelerisque libero id convallis maximus. Maecenas in feugiat nibh. Nulla ligula nulla, semper vitae ex ut, posuere egestas augue. Proin et accumsan mauris. Fusce magna odio, auctor et orci id, mollis interdum erat.

Aenean tincidunt semper mauris. Integer non lectus nec urna fringilla dapibus ut eu lectus. Quisque eget magna nunc. Nunc tempor lobortis erat non scelerisque. Nullam eros felis, laoreet bibendum tempus vitae, fermentum sit amet elit. Vivamus tincidunt libero quis tincidunt cursus. Curabitur convallis mauris ac pretium rhoncus. Vivamus placerat mollis felis eu mollis. Vivamus gravida fermentum neque nec eleifend. Nam pulvinar velit non eleifend euismod. Fusce mollis porttitor magna id porta. Aliquam convallis ante id placerat facilisis. Integer euismod leo turpis, a varius felis fermentum sagittis. In auctor ac neque a tempor. Nullam nec accumsan est, fringilla consequat magna. Maecenas sodales nulla ac cursus fringilla.

Nulla mattis maximus velit, ac molestie est accumsan et. Maecenas sapien est, convallis sed orci vel, dignissim lobortis est. Proin euismod quam sit amet turpis vestibulum, non semper metus facilisis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis pellentesque mollis dolor ac feugiat. Sed finibus cursus pharetra. Ut ut molestie metus, sed malesuada dui. Duis a diam tincidunt, imperdiet sem vitae, mollis sem. Phasellus vel dictum eros. Nulla ac nulla sit amet lorem faucibus bibendum.

Nulla id lectus dictum, suscipit turpis quis, congue ex. Suspendisse mollis magna a justo placerat, nec tincidunt massa semper. Vivamus consectetur, mi at egestas sagittis, tortor ligula ullamcorper nunc, et vehicula arcu risus fringilla metus. Phasellus nibh quam, pulvinar sed nulla ut, ultrices iaculis eros. Proin varius ante sollicitudin, dignissim erat ut, sagittis metus. Nunc lorem nibh, posuere quis fringilla eget, lobortis ac felis. Curabitur finibus nulla sit amet sapien maximus, in pretium enim euismod. Donec finibus sodales sapien. Nulla facilisi. Donec quis nunc a mauris fringilla ullamcorper facilisis quis leo. Morbi efficitur, velit et molestie suscipit, quam justo consectetur dolor, eget ornare odio quam pretium arcu.

Vehicle Detailing